Cumulus / WMR 928 NX Automatic Weather Station at Rochester Lodge ...

GeoURL Waning Crescent

Conditions at 21:25 on 17 February 2015 local time Extreme conditions since midnight
Outdoor temperature 4.7 °C and Falling (-0.6°C/hr) Maximum temperature 8.8 °C at 14:35
Minimum temperature 2.3 °C at 07:40
Outdoor humidity 42% Maximum humidity 62% at 08:08
Dew point -7.1 °C Minimum humidity 29% at 14:37
Barometric pressure 611.0 hPa and Steady (0.0hPa/hr) Maximum barometer 611.0 hPa at 00:00
Minimum barometer 611.0 hPa at 00:00
Apparent temperature 0.8 °C Maximum apparent temperature 4.9 °C at 17:03
Minimum apparent temperature -0.8 °C at 04:51
Wind chill 3.5 °C Minimum wind chill 1.4 °C
Heat index 4.7 °C Maximum heat index 8.8 °C
Wind speed (gust) 8.6 km/h from S Maximum wind (gust) 16.9 km/h at 13:33
Light air (Beaufort F1) Light breeze (Beaufort F2)
Maximum wind (gust) in the last 10mins 9.4 km/h Wind run 79.9 km
Wind speed (10 minute average) 5.7 km/h from S
Rainfall in the last hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall at 20:57 on 16 Feb
Rainfall yesterday 6.0 mm Rainfall amount 0.0 mm since midnight
RG11 Rainfall yesterday 0.0 mm RG11 Rainfall amount 0.0 mm since midnight
Indoor temperature 15.3 °C Days since last dry day 1
Indoor humidity 48% Days since it last rained 0
Mead fermenter temperature 0.0 °C Server uptime 12 days 8 hours
    Program uptime 7 hours
Conservatory temperature 16.5 °C
Conservatory humidity 37% Forecast Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much precipitation

Hive conditions

  Activity Hive temp Brood temp Brood humidity
White WBC hive (1743) Arnia monitor collecting data
Pink Rose hive (1744) Arnia monitor collecting data
Brown WBC hive (Henrys swarm from pink) 6.7 °C
Julies National hive (pink hive split)
Nucleus Rose hive (Freds swarm)
Chocolate Rose hive (white queen swarm)

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